UFO Studios
# Hi there 👋
We are a coding organization run by @TheAlienDoctor! Working on various
MC, web and node
projects. Check us out at https://github.com/UFO-Studios !
## Current members:
- [@TheAlienDoctor](https://github.com/thealiendoctor) - Owner + Dev /
MCBE go-to guy
- [@Niceygy](https://github.com/niceygy) - Dev / Linux Sysadmin
- [@MDxWARRIORxOP](https://github.com/MDxWARRIORxOP) - Dev / Javascript
- [@epxzzy](https://github.com/epxzzy) - Dev / Mostly website stuff
- [@PenguinBTW](https://github.com/PenguinBTW) - Dev / Addons and Web
- [@MiniFearful](https://github.com/MiniFearful) - Human / Idk why he's
## In progress projects:
- AlienBot-Youtube
## Mostly Completed projects:
- AlienBot-Discord
- WorkerDownloadRecorder
## Current Projects:
## Want to join us?
You could:
A: Open a PR on any or our repos, or
B: Join the discord! ( https://thealiendoctor.com/r/discord )